You would think most pests would be hibernating for the winter, now that the cold weather has staked its claim outside. But you’d be surprised to know that many pests don’t actually hibernate at all. Some even make their way into your home to escape the chill.
To help you avoid an infestation in your home when you’re trying to get ready for the holidays, here are a few pests to be on the lookout for this season.
- Mice. Many animals go into hibernation once the temperatures cool down. But mice stay active throughout the year. But mice often have difficulty finding reliable sources of food in the cold, like seeds and grass. This drives many of them inside.
- Spiders. If you feel like you’re dealing with more house spiders in the colder weather than in the summer, you wouldn’t be wrong. When it’s cold, some spider species will cold-harden to survive. But others that don’t have that chemical transformation in their bodies will seek shelter. And although some spiders are harmless and may help to curb other insect populations, an infestation still needs to be taken seriously.
- Crickets. Although the sound of chirping is part of the summer soundtrack, these insects can impact your life during the winter, too. Crickets migrate toward the warmth of buildings as the weather gets colder. They’ll make their way through cracks and crevices in your home’s foundation and in through poorly sealed windows and door thresholds. While they might not live for long inside, they can cause their own fair share of damage before winter officially arrives.
Insects Can Carry Disease
Pests are the last thing you want to deal with when you’re getting into the holiday spirit. The pest control services of Rice’s Termite and Pest Control can help. Whether you need local rodent removal, ant control, or bed bug exterminators, we have the experience you need.
Need the help of local pest control services?
From now until December 21, 2019, Rice’s Termite and Pest Control is offering a Fall Cricket and Spider Treatment Package for $98 and offering a free mouse treatment with any termite treatment. Spider treatment is for the exterior of the property only. Some exclusions may apply; contact us for details.